What does CVE mean to me?
What does CVE mean to me? https://cariveducators.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cve-mean.mp4 On July 1st 2021 Caribbean Visionary Educators celebrated its first anniversary, and what a year it has been for us! In recognition of our first anniversary, one of our members, Mr. Martin Edmund shared with us what CVE means to him as an educator. We invite you to […]
HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY CVE!!! Exactly one year ago the Caribbean Visionary Educators launched its website and membership. Today we celebrate one year of accomplishments and one year of your support as we aim for many more years of being the support system of educators from the region. From the onset, we sought to empower educators […]
“Collect, Select, Reflect: Creating a Rich and Comprehensive Teaching Dossier”
“Collect, Select, Reflect: Creating a Rich and Comprehensive Teaching Dossier” Registration link: https://forms.office.com/r/v7wNeT4ax8 Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93909360907 or Meeting ID: 939 0936 0907
NESC Diploma (Trinidad & Tobago)
NESC Diploma (Trinidad & Tobago) Can you think of any of your students that may be interested in acquiring a NESC Diploma? Share the following flyer and help them get an early start on their career path.
Back to School!
Back to School! Here’s a little something to make your day bright! Our CVE team wishes you all a fantastic and productive term!
UWI VIRTUAL OPEN DAY 2021 Click on the flyer to register now!
A Massive Thank You!
A Massive Thank You! Our Read Aloud Initiative was well received by all of our participants, members and followers across various social media platforms; but the success of this initiative was also greatly in part to our sponsors.Special thanks to our sponsors: – The Bake and Shark Specialists (868 488 9037) Imagine Media (www.imaginemediatt.com) Martisha […]
FREE CAPE SCIENCE REVISION SESSIONS Hi CVE Member,We would like to share this great offer with you. Pass it on to any student that you know can benefit.
It’s World Down Syndrome Day
It’s World Down Syndrome Day Today’s date signifies the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome. Persons born with this mutation are diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Many wear socks for the purposes of awareness but how effective is that gesture in your country. As individuals, families, communities, countries and as a region, each of us must […]
Get your students involved, engaged and excited! Educators, this is for you!
Get your students involved, engaged and excited! Educators, this is for you! Save the date and join us via zoom to benefit from Action Research done by your colleagues in Education!