Are you currently a Head of Department or aspiring to be one? A good place to start is first ensuring that you are familiar with what is or will be expected of you. The Job Specifications for the post of Head of Department as stated by the Ministry of Education of Trinidad & Tobago can be found here:
It begins with a plan. Here you can view sample session plans which outline your role in the Clinical Supervision process.
Effectively capture the data that will make the difference. See sample observation instruments here.
Authors: Janine Williams, Tariq Ali Baksh, Freddy James
The current research being reported on employed a Clinical Supervision (CS) model as a conceptual framework to design and implement CS interventions to develop teachers’ pedagogical and instructional skills with three teachers in two secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago over a six-month period. Data collection methods included: classroom observations, questionnaires, interviews and journals. The findings showed that the CS intervention that focused on building a collaborative and collegial relationship with the teachers, to develop their skills, attitudes and competencies,
enabled them to learn and improve their pedagogical and instructional practices within the complex classroom environments. Teachers indicated that the collaborative process allowed them to reflect and improve their practice with assistance and guidance from their supervisors, whom they regarded as mentors. The study is significant as it validates CS as a viable and sustainable teacher CPD strategy.
Demonstration of the Pre-Conference of a Clinical Supervision session.
Demonstration of the Post-Conference of a Clinical Supervision session.
A teacher shares her opinions of the Clinical Supervision process.
Another demonstration of the Pre-Conference of a Clinical Supervision session.
Demonstration of the Lesson of a Clinical Supervision session.